A Year Ago

One year ago , on June 14, 2018, the Winnebago County Board approved a Special Use Permit allowing the the production of asphalt in Rockton Township.

After months of residents voicing their opposition, after hundreds of phone calls, emails and postcards, after a long and exhausting attempt to stand for our community, we took a blow and the permit was granted in a 10-9
The frustration and disappointment felt that day is still palpable and what drives us to continue the fight.

Now, one year later, we have taken the decision out of the hands of politicians and placed it in the judicial system. We have received a court-ordered injunction HALTING the construction of the plant, and are expecting to head to trial later this year.

We remain optimistic that we will win and will stop this plant from coming to fruition. We have secured an experienced attorney, seasoned in the background required to fight this, and are confident the facts support our quest for a victory.

Most of all, we are thankful for the generous outpouring of support. We fight for each and every family in the Rockton and Roscoe communities that would be affected by the plant. Because of your generosity, we currently are able to enjoy another summer without the threat of the harmful effects, odors and pollution the plant would bring.

Without you, none of this would be possible. THANK YOU.