Please read below for some standard questions we have been receiving. If you have other questions please do not hesitate to contact us below to get your answers - if you are wondering about something other people are too!

Who are the people behind Rockton Strong

At this time the “staff” of Rockton Strong is made up of area residents, we are all doing this on a strictly volunteer basis - and believe me it has been a lot of work! We feel that this is a very worthwhile endeavor and will continue to fight!

Among the members of Rockton Strong are:

  • Stay-at-home mom to 3 children in the Rockton School district who has an extensive corporate professional background in accounting.

  • Digital Marketing Director who also is a mom to 2 children in the Rockton School District.

  • Father of a student in the Rockton School District, Uncle to even more children in the Rockton School District with 28+ years mechanical, operational, and managerial experience.

As of 4-12-2019

As of 4-12-2019

What is this legal fight going to cost?

This is a difficult question to answer. When we began meeting with attorneys they all gave us the same price point of $30,000 to $50,000. But with all legal dealings there is really no way to determine the final cost.

We are very proud to show that $0.90 of every dollar goes to the legal battle.

What happens to money if the lawsuit does not win?

We honestly believe, as does our legal counsel, that we can win this lawsuit. On the off chance that we are unable to do so the remaining funds will be used to assist the community in ongoing testing of well water, air particulates, decibel/noise, etc…

Why is my donation not tax deductible?

When we set up Rockton Strong we elected to license it as a 501(c)4 non-profit. What that means is that we have the legal ability to endorse politically, a 501(c)3 is legally limited in this capacity. As the need for Rockton Strong arose from issues within our political system we realized that this is an area that needs to be addressed going forward. We are registered with the Secretary of State office, Attorney General’s Office and IRS just like any other non-profit organization.

Have more questions for us? Please contact us and we will do our best to get you an answer!